The COVID pandemic offered the opportunity to slow down and reflect on our lives. For me, I took the time to reflect on my professional life. I remember what it felt like when I got the news I had been hired as a full-time employee of Cambria Heights. This was quite the accomplishment considering when I first started substituting the list was 200 people long!!! It took me about nine years, but it finally happened. I was filled with excitement and enthusiasm! I spent hours perfecting my lesson plans, creating fun crafts, and projects. Then something happened. Can you guess what it was? If you guessed standardized testing, you are correct. Each year there was more emphasis on the test and less on creativity. I don't blame CH; it is the nature of the beast. We felt the pressure for our students to perform well on the test so some of the fun got pushed to the side.
Well guess what? I've had it!!! I've fallen into that rut, and I am done. I want excitement and enthusiasm back. I want my students to be excited about coming to my class. I want learning to be fun again! I have recommitted to the mission. I want my students to master concepts, be able to apply them, and make learning meaningful again. Anyone feel the same as me? Who is ready to commit and revolutionize the way our children learn?
I am so glad to hear this from a teacher! I never understood why the whole day for weeks ended up being dedicated to math and reading for a one day, standardized test. Isn't this test supposed to show what they are learning on a day to day, NORMAL school day? Stop forcing the kids to memorize something for a test just to watch them forget it all right after. Remember what they tell us about "cramming for an exam"? Our rabbit and turtle friends can set an example for many areas in life.