I am fortunate to have grand children. They are so full of energy. They seem to run on fast forward all the time. When nap time rolls each of them struggled to settle their brains so they could rest. My daughter would use a sound machine and this seemed to solve the solution. When they stayed at my house I had to become creative. I searched on YouTube for heartbeat sounds. This worked like a charm. However it got me thinking about my students at school.
You would think my class is filled with smiling faces all eager to learn. WRONG! As I look around the room. I see kids where falling asleep in my class before lunch. They are laying on their desks yawning trying hard to wake up. These are good kids. I believe them when they say what time they go to bed. So, What is going on? In all the years that I have taught this has never happened before. This is a new change from when I started teaching 20 years ago. I started wondering.... What is so heavy on their minds?
Life is moving at such a fast pace, it is imperative that we teach our learners how to slow down their brains. So they can not only focus in school, but learn how it feels to be relaxed. Do you find that your child is having difficulty going to sleep or staying asleep?