Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Schools Must Rise WITH the Occasion

Schools Must Rise WITH the Occasion

Abraham Lincoln spoke about rising WITH the occasion rather than rising FOR the occasion.  This notion still holds true today.  As our world is becoming more customizable for every person, we must rise with the occasion to design our schools to allow customization to happen for every learner.   

We must move from an Industrial Model of education to a Model of Personalization.  Our learners need US to rise WITH the occasion in the following ways to make their educational experience designed for them:

  • Sorting & selecting talent MUST RISE TO developing talent

  • Allowing “time to be the constant and learning to be the variable” MUST RISE TO allowing “learning to be the constant and time to be the variable”

  • Attempting school reform MUST RISE TO creating an entirely new education system

  • Providing a linear path to college MUST RISE TO providing multiple paths for learning and succeeding

  • Conformity MUST RISE TO Individuality

  • WHEN students learn something MUST RISE TO HOW students learn something

  • Making decisions for control or convenience MUST RISE TO making decisions for learners

  • Asking “What age a child is ready for double digit multiplication?” MUST RISE TO asking “What is each child ready for?”

Customized Learning is knocking on the doors of the public education system.  We must rise to the occasion and let Customized Learning in our buildings to honor the individual needs of our learners.  There is a sense of urgency, and we must act now.  Will you rise with the occasion and create a school system that honors the different ways and timelines our students learn or are you satisfied with the results we are getting now?   

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